Thursday, December 28, 2006

My obligatory 2006 Top 10...

I sometimes forget that everyone who reads LA City Nerd doesn't always read every other LA-based or LA-centric website (That's only for the true City Nerds, I guess).

So, earlier in the month, I submitted a list to the LAist called "LA City Nerd's Top 10 Events in 2006 that Impact the Future of the City of Los Angeles."

So, in case you missed it, here it is.

(I still stand by it today, 3 weeks later.)

1 comment:

Sahra Bogado said...

Doesn't the groundbreaking for that crappy new LAPD station where a public park ought to be in downtown rate on your list?

That spot is a natural town-square - but now it is going to be a fortified techno-prison for the terminally buzz-cut.