From a reader in the comments of another post:
Can anyone give me clarity on the three fold signage on Los Feliz?
The top part says 'Anti Gridlock Area'
the middle "No parking from 7-9AM'
the bottom "No stopping anytime."
So you can stop on crazy busy L.F.?
How could that be? What do they mean by 'stop?'
Sadly, this isn't as difficult as it seems. Each sign is merely posting a restriction that allows for citation for different sections of the LAMC. So, no, there is no stopping, but if you stop during 7am-9am AND it happens to be an anti-gridlock zone: Tow Time! The signs allow for a stricter enforcement and penalty beyond the parking ticket. It's true, though: sometimes the parking signs can be confusing. The easy answer is to avoid parking on the street where there are signs. Walking a few blocks never hurt anyone, did it?
And, no, the image above is not of the sign being asked about by the reader- it's just another confusing parking sign.
image by Sherrie Gulmahamad via blogging.la
Funny, I don't find the sign pictured confusing at all. No parking from 6PM to 8AM every day, as well as 10AM to noon on Mondays for street cleaning. The rest of the time is two-hour parking (except Sunday, which has no limits during those hours). If you are a neighborhood resident and have a parking permit, you are exempt from the restrictions (except, I presume, the street cleaning part). There's no conflicting or redundant information. What's confusing about that?
That's not nearly as confusing as the one the question is about. Nor is it as baffling as the one depicted in a more recent blogging.la post.
i'm with colinski. the parking signs are never really confusing if you have decent deduction abilities...then again, this is LA.
i'm constantly in awe at the number of people who park on rosalia behind the vista theatre on any given weekend day. the city i making some serious $$ there.
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