Friday, July 07, 2006

Last Emergency: July 7, 2005

Los Angeles hasn't had an emergency in a whole year - which is pretty impressive for this town.

Well, an emergency meeting, at least.

See, one year ago, there was an emergency meeting of the Emergency Operations Board. Why does this matter, you may ask. Well, permanently chaired by the Chief of Police (Bratton), the EOB has an extremely important role in the operation of the city relating to emergencies:
"In the event of a major emergency which may result in the declaration of a local emergency, the EOB shall be convened as rapidly as possible to coordinate the response and to establish consensus on the best operational strategies to be utilized in controlling the disaster. Additional meetings of the EOB shall be convened as necessary to provide policy level direction throughout the response and recovery phases of the disaster."
This was not an "activation" of the Emergency Operations Center, but nevertheless, most department heads, the new Mayor, and most City Council members were there, and an emergency could have been declared.

A year ago today, there was a bombing in London that had an impact here in Los Angeles, a truly global city.

Read the report of that meeting here

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