Saturday, August 12, 2006


For the second largest City in the Nation, this is all they could come up with: City's 225th Birthday website.

And with this City's array of diversity, businesses, and skills... the only company they could get to sponsor was Disney - a Burbank-based company.

I'm sure we'll hear more in the next few weeks, but initially, it looks pretty meager to me.

I'll admit it - it makes me sad the City couldn't pull it together for the 225 - it could have been as great at the bicentennial. I guess this City's focus isn't the City right now.

(And how about that horrible clip-art cake they're using as the "logo" (above) on the website and the awkward looking flyer? The City does employ graphic designers, but maybe the organizers didn't know that.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're right. This is sort of sad. What's John Wolf and the others doing up there?

Which department is in charge of this event?