Friday, January 26, 2007

Bike Queen of LA

No, she's not married to the Bike King, Alex Baum. But, LA's Bike Queen, as LAist's Zach puts it, is the go-to person on biking in the City. Michelle Mowery started as a consultant in the City many years ago, and now, as a City Employee, she runs the bicycle group and has lead the city's effort to create a more bike-friendly, bike-centric City. She's put biking on the City's agenda as a mode of transportation. She advocates a grand vision and is determined to make it happen. Just last October, she received the LA County Bike Coalition's "Advocacy in Government Award" for her accomplishments achieved through her "uncommon combination of passion, technical knowledge, historical understanding, and work ethic."

Here's the great site she oversees and basically runs.

Here's Zach's interview with Michelle Mowery.


Anonymous said...

I thought Monica Howe was the bike queen of L.A.

C... said...

This is very interesting. I know some people that advocate for a similar cause in Georgia.

Anonymous said...

It's a real shame that all of our roads are designed to increase the "level of service" for automobiles. I wonder what sort of influence the alleged "Bike Queen of LA" has had in the LADOT?

Traffic engineers are a hard-headed bunch sometimes.

Anonymous said...

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