These grants are not complicated to apply for; and the paperwork is due in October, so you've got plenty of time. All communities - whether blighted or not - are eligible to apply. The applications are reviewed by others who either perform similar projects or have received grant funding through this program in the past. The best part about these grants is that the group receiving them does not have to be a non-profit. It can be any group of concerned neighbors working to improve their neighborhood. From community gardens to murals to trash cans to art work to map kiosks to pots on the street - these grants have truly empowered neighborhoods and made a lasting difference. This is one program that really makes the public dollar stretch.
Also, their former site has great resources for applicants or anyone wishing to undertake a project in their community.
Workshops to find out more about the Community Beautification Grants and how to complete the applications will be held starting July 18th (as listed below):

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