Thursday, September 07, 2006

Relating to City Services

Today, David Markland at Metro Blogging LA posted about Council President Garcetti's Ways to Improve Your Neighborhood. He reviewed the 7 brochures Garcetti's office created, and I spent some time in the comment section clarifying and expanding where necessary.

Then, just now, I read Here in Van Nuys's post about tree trimming and was about to post in the comments some clarification. I figured, I might was well just post it here and reference the above comments. So...

Andrew at Here in Van Nuys posts about the trimming of oak trees in the parkways on Hamlin Street in Van Nuys. He posted some pictures (like the one above), and it didn't look like a City crew. As I looked closer at the picture above, I saw wires running through the trees and realized what was happening.

See, the Bureau of Street Services, Urban Forestry Division is in charge of maintaining those trees on public property: the parkways. BUT, in instances where power lines run through the branches of the tree, the DWP is responsible for trimming the trees. DWP does not have staff crews (but does have arborists on staff), and contracts out for their trimming. So, if you see trees being trimmed around wires and there is an issue, don't call BSS, contact DWP.

Photos via Here in Van Nuys.

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