Thursday, November 16, 2006

2006 City Nerd Awards

So, as we start to look at the dawn of a new year, it's time to look back at the year that was. What better way to reflect on the last 12 months than to think of about the best of times (and sometimes, the worst).

In doing so, LA City Nerd will be presenting the "2006 City Nerd Awards" in January. Now, it could easily be the LACN braintrust that just picks winners, but we'd like to have some input.

So, based on the following criteria, we'll be selecting the winner (and there may be a vote involved in some of the categories):

- passion for Los Angeles
- knowledge of Los Angeles
- promotion of Los Angeles
- actual positive contributions to Los Angeles

These are the general criteria, of course, so some may apply more in certain instances and other may only be relative to a portion of the City. (And don't forget our definition of LA!)

Now, onto the City Nerd Award categories....

1. 2006 City Nerd Blog (any kind: group, individual, municipal, etc.)

2. 2006 City Nerd Blogger (not me, but all of the other ones)

3. 2006 City Nerd Elected Official

4. 2006 City Nerd Elected Official Staff Member (I have some nominees from the original post, but new ones are welcome.)

5. 2006 City Nerd Department Head (remember this?)

6. 2006 City Nerd Neighborhood/Community (This could also be a cultural or social community.)

7. 2006 City Nerd Project (You tell us what you think would qualify.)

8. 2006 City Nerd Neighborhood Council

9. 2006 City Nerd Citizen of the Year

And the highest honor, which may not be given out every year:

10. "The LA City Nerd Award"

(Is there a category missing?)

Submit your nominations NOW (with any additional information you'd like regarding your nominations). They must be emailed in by DECEMBER 15th. Email us at

Winners will get a detailed article in the new year and hopefully a fancy award (if we can get it to them) suitable for public display.


Anonymous said...

The "LACityNerdys"! I love it. Award season is really here when the "Nerdys" are the town buzz.

Anonymous said...

If y'all don't like it, EAT!

Anonymous said...

pretty cool.

I still have some certificates from the City here because I couldn't get them to the winners of the awards thing I had.

It is great when the community nominates people

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking about this for a while... its hard to decide.

Hopefully I can make up my mind before the deadline. :)

Anonymous said...

I nominate: