Saturday, May 06, 2006

Material things I want most...

So, I just got "tagged" by Kim at 1947project (& Scram & Bubblegum) as a result of a tag fromRodger at 8763wonderland regarding the 5 things I most covet. I'm not sure how I should react, first, by being tagged; but since I'm taking a break from gallivanting across the City right now, I'll go for it.

So, the Top 5 things I want right now (with the rule being they must be practical things like one would find on a birthday list) are as follows:

1. A car that doesn't utilize gasoline to travel all over the City.
2. One of the Selig Elephants for my front yard.
3. An "eat-for-free card" for Tommy's.
4. A definitive & accepted map of L.A. community boundaries.
5. A key to the City - not one for me, but one that was given to someone long ago when they used to do those kinds of things in Los Angeles. (Bill Wardlaw is the last known person to get one, from then-Mayor Riordan. Prior to that, visiting dignitaries from other countries seemed to be the recipients. Also, as shown in the photo from the LAPL collection, there was a tradition for a key to be passed from mayor to mayor - I wonder where that key is now?)

I'm not tagging anyone else; but if you have some material desires, feel free to comment.


Don said...

I thought that was some sort of bizarro double toilet seat at first. Then I thought it was a giant pair of scissors.

I definitely want one too.

Bob Timmermann said...

Good luck on #4. You'd be better off looking for the Holy Grail.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Mayor Villaraigosa just gave a key to the city to Jack Valenti. Great blog!

LA City Nerd said...

Councilman - at the time of this posting, no known keys were given by Mayor Villaraigosa. When was it given? Now, do you have the power to give a key to the city, as Council President?

Anonymous said...

December 16th was Jack Valenti Day in Los Angeles and the mayor presented the key to the city to Jack Valenti for his service to the entertainment industry in our city during that day's City Council meeting. You asked me in an email if I have the power to give out keys to the city on behalf of the City Council as the presidetn. While there is no formal protocol, I think that keys have always been given out by the mayor. As an aside, the mayor has the unilateral power to (or at least tradition to) declare a given "Day" in Los Angeles. The City Council, though, also can declare a "Day" by passing a resolution unanimously.