Wednesday, February 15, 2006

More interesting...

As a city nerd, I think all things about the city are interesting... even tree trimming. Someone told me, though, that no one else cares about that stuff. Well, I think someone else must want to know things like street numbers in L.A. get bigger by counting AWAY from First and Main Street (in any direction). Ok, maybe that's more of a niche audience, but some times it's interesting to remember these things.

How about this?

In 1981, the City raised the parking meter rates in Eagle Rock from 5 to 10 cents an hour. Then, in 1985, they were raised to 20 cents an hour. In 1988, they were raised to 25 cents an hour. Now, after 18 years, they are still some of the most affordable meters in the region.

Should this revenue source be revisited?

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