At the bottom are some other mapping tools that may help in your understanding of your neighborhood and the City (this is in addition to all the Google Maps and related tools).
What map is missing that you'd like to share? Is there one here for which you'd like more information or detail?
Historical Maps:
Historical Maps from the Library of Congress (Star Maps, Oil field, Early driving maps, promotional maps, Red Car maps, etc.)
WPA Landuse Maps (1930s)
Sanborn Maps of Los Angeles
Annexation Map
Los Angeles County Historical Topographic Maps
Metropolitan Los Angeles Census Data maps (various topics; 1990 and 1995)
1849 Los Angeles City Plan map
Interactive Downtown Map
Rock & Roll Road Map
Public Art Maps of Downtown & Chinatown
Census Tract Map
LA City Zip Code map
Congressional Districts in LA City
State Senate Los Angeles Area district maps
State Assembly District maps
County Supervisorial District Maps
LA City Council District Maps (current and past)
LAUSD Board of Education District Map
Neighborhood Council maps
CRA Project Area maps
Housing, Planning, & Zoning:
Los Angeles City Limits Map
How Big is LA? map
Community Plans and Planning Area maps
Animated Census Maps (1940 to 1990)
Affordable Housing Maps (2004)
Housing Authority Units (by various districts)
WPA Landuse Maps (1930s)
Population Density (in comparison to New York City)
Los Angeles Scenic Highway Map
Freight Movement Map
Highway & Freeway Maps
Transit Priority Map
Non-Motorized Transportation Map
City Bikeways Map
Pedestrian Routes Maps to LAUSD Schools
New LA Marathon Route map
LAX Maps
LAX Noise Contour Maps
Van Nuys Airport Noise Contour Maps
Walkable Neighborhoods Map (via UCLA with explanation of what it means to be "walkable")
Downtown Parking District & Central City Parking District
Commute Times in LA County (1990)
Metropolitan Freeway Plan (1947)
AAA Los Angeles Freeway Plan (1949)
Public Safety Maps:
Pedestrian Routes Maps to LAUSD Schools
LAPD Crime Maps
Gang Territory Maps (from streetgangs.com)
Los Angeles Police Department Divisions
Brush Clearance Zones
LA Flood Hazard Map
Graffiti Removal Contractors
Hate Crime Maps (1999; pages 5, 11,13,15, & 17)
Natural Resources:
Oil Pipeline Map
Oil Fields in Los Angeles
Oil Wells
Used Oil Certified Collection Centers mapped
Hyperion Wastewater (Sewer) Treatment 5 Mile Outfall Inspection map
Tree Roots in the Sewer Map
Los Angeles Area Earthquake Map (within the last week)
LA River (& Tributaries) map
LA Flood Hazard Map
Landslide Zones Map
Liquefaction Zones Map
High Wind Areas of the City
Maps of LA's pickable fruit (from the public right-of-way, via the Fallen Fruit Project)
Human Services:
Youth Data Mapped in the City (by council district)
Existing and Proposed Libraries map (1/07)
Seats Needed in 2020 in LAUSD (2002)
Maps of Downtown Homeless (from cartifact.com)
First Care Panel Medical Facilities Map
Other Maps & Repositories:
Interactive City Maps (Zimas, iMapLA, NavigateLA)
Healthycity.org (This website allows you to create maps and find data on health and human services from Infoline, nonprofits from the Center for Nonprofit Management, all public schools in Los Angeles County, and various landmarks.)
"Living Independently Los Angeles" (via UCLA)
Everything you need to know about mapping: CSUN's Map Library (mostly on site and not online).