Thanks to the expert Photo Nerd in one Malingering, the once-thought-lost community name sign of West Los Angeles has been documented at the southwest corner of Bundy and Ocean Park.
True, we always knew that "West LA" existed - this sign merely proves that the City actually officially designated a community by said name. There are other community name signs that LADOT has claimed to have created, but no one has been able to provide documentation that such signs exist. They are:
Carthay Village
Griffith Park
La Cienega Ctr
La Fayette Park Square
South Park
Western Heights
West Lake
Wilshire District
Wilshire Park Mile
If you can find the location and a picture of one (or any) of the aforementioned signs, please add them to the LA City Neighborhood Signs Flickr Group.
The rest of the known "officially designated communities" are listed here.
Sorry, LAist, for throwing a wrench into your gears. Hopefully this one more won't hinder your progress of the LA Neighborhoods Project (not that you're actually sticking to the original list).