Saturday, December 02, 2006

Safe Giving in LA

Over at Blogging.LA, Hexodus writes about a nighttime solicitation at his door. He also handily provides a link to a database for legitimate charities in the State.

Well, here in the City of LA, it's the Police Commission that sets the rules for asking for a charitable contribution. They have a number of resources on their site about what a charity must do before asking for money and other rules for actually asking. (In Hexodus's post, he was visited at night - well, if it was after 8pm - that alone is a violation even if the Charity was legit.)

So, if someone asks you for money in the City - ask them to see their Police Commission issued Information Card. And, anyone that is a paid solicitor must have a Solicitors License. The City has a lot of mechanisms in place to prevent fraudulent fundraising. Be aware, though - it's up to the donor to know.

If that sounds like a great protection, here's something even better for all the Seniors out there: you can rest assured that you're safe when you go to Monday night Bingo at the church hall. See, a Bingo operator have to get permission from both the Police Commission and the Fire Department if they want to host a Bingo Game. And to protect you further, the LAPD even has a special "Bingo Gaming Enforcement Unit."

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