Saturday, March 10, 2007

Hot Topics in the City of LA (Mar. 10, 2007)

Ever wonder what the hottest issues in Los Angeles today are? These are the hot-button issues that insiders are talking about and you can here people debate over lunch in the Civic Center. Now, some will always be the hot issues based on the makeup of our City, but other issues are fleeting based on public reaction.

Here's the hot topics that the City is dealing with right now (based on this Nerd's opinions & observations):
Traffic & Public Transportation
Gangs/Gang Crime
Emergency (Earthquake) Preparedness

Here's what's losing heat but is still on the radar:
Neighborhood Councils
Affordable Housing/Condo Conversions
Mandating the living wage on Century Boulevard hotels

Here's what's cold:
Elephants at the Zoo
Efficiency in City Service Delivery
LAFD interpersonal issues
Eminent Domain

These are topics that are hot today - it could all change tomorrow. Six months from now or even a year from now, all of these topics could still be on the list, but all could also be bumped. Let's see where we are in a month!


Los Angeles Fire Department said...

Thanks LA City Nerd, for starting a great conversation in which (well) more that four million people are genuine stakeholders.

In the 'cold' category, I was deeply saddened to see:

"Efficiency in City Service Delivery"

In my humble opinion, that is one thing that will hopefully return and stay on the roster of 'Hot Topics' for many years to come.

Then again, maybe I'm just obsessive :)

Thanks again LA City Nerd, for personifying the attitude and intellect that many of us in municipal service seek to follow.

Respectfully Yours in Safety and (pursuing exceptional) Service,

Brian Humphrey
Public Service Officer
Los Angeles Fire Department

Unknown said...

I am glad to see what the hot topics are, and homelessness should still be one of them. Hope that "hot topic" equates to "getting something positive done about the issue."