First, the City Council will meet every first Friday of the month in Van Nuys at 10am. The Valley Municipal Building (also known incorrectly as Van Nuys Cit Hall) is located one block east of Van Nuys Boulevard on Sylvan Street. Built in 1932, the building was rededicated last year after seismic retrofitting and restoration overseen by Project Restore, a unique department of the City of Los Angeles.
First, try to find a meter. You might have to walk a few blocks, but it's the cheapest thing close by. Unlike Downtown City Hall, all the streets adjacent to the VMB are metered. In fact, there are spaces right out front - the only meters in the City that have the historic meter pole design. You can also take the Orange Line to the station that is only 3 blocks south of the VMB. Also, if you want to park for free and you can't find a spot in the neighborhood, you can park at the never-full Orange Line parking lot on Van Nuys and Aetna and walk a few blocks north. The walk on Van Nuys Boulevard takes you past a car dealership, the State building, the Federal Building and then into the Bernardi Plaza via the Erwin Street Mall. Now, if you don't mind paying, just pull into the brand new underground parking structure (made possible by the short termed Valley Councilmember Ruth Galantar) to the east of the VMB where Sylmar Street meets Sylvan Street. It's easy, but not cheap if you're there a while. There are also less expensive City-owned pay-to-park lots in the surrounding blocks, but don't settle for that unless you're desperate and cheap!
While in the Valley's Civic Center, feel free to visit your Elected officials. The Mayor's & Councilman Cardenas's field offices are on the second floor of the VMB. If you get off the elevators on the second floor and turn left, you'll get to the new Council Chambers; if you turn right instead of left, you'll get to their offices. County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky can be reached by crossing past the newly opened county childcare center to his field office in the former City Health Department building (from the days when LA City had its own Health department). The State building is just across Delano Street to the south; here you can visit State Senator Richard Alarcon or Assemblyman Lloyd Levine. Additionally, there is a library, police station, post office, courthouse, fire station, and other city and county departments located here - a true Civic Center.
Beyond the government services, the surrounding blocks have countless restaurants - some unique to the area worth trying: Le Fun Cafe, Dr. Deli & the Sandwich Queen, and Ranch House BBQ being popular with government workers. Others, like Subway are always good, too. Branch out; within a few blocks, you'll find Kabobs, great Chinese food, and Peruvian- all within walking distance!
Make a Day Out of It:
While in Van Nuys, don't feel like you're isolated in the Government Center. Within two blocks are some great restaurants as mentioned and other unique shops. Want a snack? Try Christopher Nuts Company retail outlet store which is next to their roasting plant (it smells REALLY good in there). From Gummies to nuts, this little shop on Calvert Street just west of Tyrone is a treasure of the community. Want to cool off? Next to Christopher Nuts is Van Nuys's Ice Skating Rink - all year round! There is a used book shop on the south side of Friar Street, one block north of the VMB. And you should stroll by the historical buildings (the original post office and library) west of Van Nuys Boulevard on Sylvan, just past Van Nuys's Little Italy of a barber and a tailor (south side of Sylvan, just passed the County wear shop). Don't miss the statue of Fernando in the Erwin Street Mall, either. This half-naked Native American is the symbol for service in the Valley. (See how many City commissioners or Valley street names you can find on the honorees listed on the statue's base!)
Other Amenities:
Don't forget that the VMB's courtyard, the Ernani Bernardi Plaza, has FREE Wi-Fi, as does the adjacent Braude Center.
Traveling Tip:
A short cut to & from Downtown: don't use the 101 to Van Nuys Boulevard - it's a mess. Use the 170 and the Victory Boulevard off/onramp. It's faster than fighting what might be the most congested on/offramp in the City: Van Nuys Boulevard & the 101.
How about putting together a cute little map with a legend indicating the great places you mentioned? Like any tourist, the other-side-of-the-hillers might need a little help.
I live on Delano Street just a block from the Government Center, and I have to say that Le Fun Cafe is the most frustrating restaurant I have encountered in the whole Valley. It's not open on evenings, or Saturdays, yet it has a very tempting breakfast burrito banner that makes me hungry every time I see it. I can't justify taking a vacation day from work (I commute to Warner Center via the Orange Line) just to eat at Le Fun!
Megan from Van Nuys
Don't forget "Sam's Flaming Grill," formerly known as "Cafe De Hollywood." They have great middle eastern/armeninan food, a great atmosphere, and great service.
It's on Van Nuys Blvd., a couple doors north from Dr. Deli, between Sylvan and Friar.
Check out Vatican Restaurant and Banquet Hall on Van Nuys between Vanowen and Sherman Way. They have the best Armenian food you will ever taste for just a couple of dollars. p.s. their hall is the most beautiful place you will ever walk into. THE BEST!
Thanks for shining some light on our neglected corner of the city. Visitors might also be interested in taking a look at some of the unique dining establishments we've reviewed here at the Liquidpremium blog, all within walking distance of the Van Nuys Civic Center. http://liquidpremium.blogspot.com
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