Monday, June 26, 2006

Zoning post update...

Sometimes, when a blogger posts, it can be done in haste. I know I always try to share useful, interesting, or new information; but sometimes, the post is done without full explanation (one drawback of being author, editor, and publisher!)
So, last week, I posted a brief blurb about zoning. Sure, I should have explained in more detail the points I referenced, but I didn't.

Thankfully, someone did. So, I give you the Planning Nerd: Mitch Glazer! I say this because he delves into the issue to clarify what I was talking about. Now, a lot of what he said I know, and I am glad that he, a more specific planning expert (as a planner) than I, has spelled out here what it's all about. Hopefully, he can add insight to further posts later on.

Thanks for clarification, Mitch.

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